I am pleased to announce the release of GhostBSD 24.01.1!
First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed their time, effort, and expertise to enhance GhostBSD for this latest release.

24.01.1 Changelog
This new release is based on FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE. Update Station got a significant change to upgrade to a major FreeBSD version, allowing upgrading GhostBSD from 13.2-STABLE to 14.0-STABLE. Also, a major change to the installer is the user created is an admin, and the root user gets the same password as the admin. If the admin password is changed after the installation, the root password will not change.
Enhancement, Improvements, and New Features
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-build#143 Adding support for the future installer and simplified desktop configuration.
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#216 [Feature] Search also in PKG description (not only PKG name)
- ghostbsd/issues#16 New wallpapers for 24.01
- ghostbsd/issues#25 Preparing GhostBSD to upgrade to 14.0
- ghostbsd/software-station#34 Adding search to description and Added -U to pkg query to search
- ghostbsd/software-station#35 Fix ru.po
- ghostbsd/networkmgr#98 Update networkmgr.po
- ghostbsd/software-station#36 Change the package icon with an icon supported on MAte, Gnome, and XFCE
- ghostbsd/gbi#69 Convert to /home
- ghostbsd/gbi#71 Convert to /home
- ghostbsd/gbi#72 Adding changes related to future installer and ghostbsd-build changes
- ghostbsd/networkmgr#100 Create networkmgr.po (German translation)
- ghostbsd/networkmgr#101 Create networkmgr.po (Swedish translation)
- ghostbsd/networkmgr#102 Create networkmgr.po (Norwegian bokmål translation)
- ghostbsd/update-station#37 Preparing Update Station to upgrade to major version.
- ghostbsd/update-station#38 Fix and update translation
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-slick-greeter-settings#3 Update slick-greeter.conf wallpaper
Bug Fixes
- ghostbsd/issues#28 32-bin wine issue: wine [wine-7.0.2] and wine64 [wine-8.0.2] versions do not match!
- ghostbsd/pc-sysinstall#15 Update check of /home
- ghostbsd/issues#85 Whisker menu crashes
- ghostbsd/issues#86 Video problems
- ghostbsd/gbi#73 Fix home mount in use_zfs.py
- ghostbsd/pc-sysinstall#16 Fixing and improving ZFS dataset mount point for 14 stable
- ghostbsd/pc-sysinstall#17 Fixed efibootmgr commands
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-build#183 Change the download of Nvidia drivers not to fetch libva-nvidia-driver
- ghostbsd/update-station#39 Updated pkg bootstrap command to include ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES flag
Security Fixes
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#316 build(deps): bump urllib3 from 1.26.9 to 1.26.18 in /contrib/libcbor/doc/source
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#317 build(deps): bump jinja2 from 3.0.3 to 3.1.3 in /contrib/libcbor/doc/source
Know Issues
- On the first boot lightdm login has no wallpaper.
- No message on the admin user setup to warn the users.
Where to download:
All images, checksums, hybrid ISO(DVD, USB), and torrents are available here:
Writing the ISO to a USB stick
dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.01.1.iso of=/dev/da0 bs=4m
On Linux
dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.01.1.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M
On Mac
dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.01.1.iso of=/dev/disk2 bs=10240
On Windows, using http://www.chrysocome.net/dd
./dd.exe if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.01.1.iso of=USB Drive bs=84
To upgrade GhostBSD 23.10.1 to 24.10.1 with pkg
To upgrade GhostBSD 23.10.1 to 24.10.1 with pkg, use the following command.
sudo env ABI=FreeBSD:14:amd64 IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg-static bootstrap -f
sudo env ABI=FreeBSD:14:amd64 pkg-static upgrade -f
To upgrade the pool.
To verify that the pool needs to be upgraded, use zpool status.
sudo zpool upgrade poolname
If you are on an old installation of GhostBSD, do not reboot before updating your EFI file.
Find your EFI partition with gpart show. In most cases, the EFI partition is ada0p1.
gpart show
=> 40 1000215136 ada0 GPT (477G)
40 532480 1 efi (260M)
532520 994766848 2 freebsd-zfs (474G)
995299368 4904960 3 freebsd-swap (2.3G)
1000204328 10848 - free - (5.3M)
Mount the EFI partiton.
sudo mount -t msdos /dev/ada0p1 /mnt/
Copy the /boot/loader.efi to /mnt/EFI/ghostbsd/BOOTX64.EFI.
sudo cp /boot/loader.efi /mnt/EFI/ghostbsd/BOOTX64.EFI
Now unmount /mnt.
sudo umount /mnt.
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